Dev Blog #7

 Welcome back to the Dream Quill Interactive development Blog! We are glad to have all of you back.

Story Play

1. Art has begun progressing sadly nothing to show of it yet, because we want to color it before showing y'all what we have made.
2. As for development almost all of the demo content is put in the game with just placeholder art.
3. We have also begun chipping away at a list of music / sound effects for the game we are very excited to share those soon.

What's going to be in the demo?

    - Chapter 1 of The Conquest of Dreams story line.
             - this involves many choices that the player has to make to alternate the story line.
             - Can't wait to share more about the story.

    - Music and sound effect for hopefully everything that you will do. ( we will see how much we get done.)

Story Play Technical stuff:

    1. I'm working on kind of an advanced dialogue system, so that we can implement the story much quicker then I am right now.
        - How it works:
            The dialogue_system class takes in a JSON file:
                         "dialogue": {name: "MC", "text": "Hello everyone!", "func": "change_scene", "arg": "scene_path"}
            Basically if you know anything about programming this is simple. We take in the data and translate it to a dictionary. And then we put said data on the screen based on what we want. So now all I have to do to write the story is implement a JSON file for the specific scene.

2. I've also been working on the title screen:

    As you can see it has buttons for play, settings, and quit. But not all of the buttons work so far. Plus I need to add things in the game to even begin needing settings. 
        Here are a list of possible settings:
                - Sound Volume
                - Text Size
                - Language
                - Bigger Screen (If we want to test the game on a computer.)
                - Development Mode (This will be hidden by password.)

3. The last thing I've been working on is the text animations for the game. 

I decided to make the animation semi fast and then pause and wait for the player to tap on the screen.

4. I'm always going to be chipping away at the Dream Quill Interactive website which should be up in the next few months. Hopefully before the Story Play launch.

Questions for you:

          This is the part of the blog where we ask for your feedback! We would really appreciate if each and every one of y'all could either type feedback in our discord, Reddit comments, or the comments of this blog. What  you think of what we have shown.

        1. What do you think of the typing of the words? Is it too fast? Maybe to slow?
        2. What do you think of the current title screen?
        3. How are the blogs, is there any info you would like us to touch on?


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