Dev blog Relaunch #5
Welcome back to the Development Blogs
We are so sorry we haven't had them for a month. My silly self forgot to write all of them while I was on vacation once again very sorry. As of right now the teams progress has very nicely continued in a steady flow for the December Demo Release.
We Love community involvement so how about you guys tells us what you are most excited about for story play after reading this dev log.
Story Play
- We are continuing progress on The Conquest of Dreams Chapter 1 progress. We are about 90% done with that.
- As for other things we are working hard on getting our artists character descriptions so that art can progress for now we just have simple art placeholders.
- Background art has also been very nicely progressing as time has went by. We don't have very many artists right now, so we can't promise all of the art will be done for the demo.
- As for the Technical side of things. All of the backend code for the game is written, and really just needs to be refactored to fit our specific needs. Things like:
- When a transition is triggered.
- How the text types out when you transition.
- What happens when a specific choice is chosen.
- All of the sound settings.
- All of the menu settings.
- How Character Customization will work
These Technical thing are what I have been working on for about the last month and will continue to polish until I feel these systems are adequate.
Dream Quill Interactive
Exciting news!!! Dream Quill has finally finished our website design so that will be up and running by the time of the demo release of Story Play. Some features will include:
- This blog will be moved to there.
- Information about all of our games that are in progress.
- Information on how to contact us about a specific problem in our game.
- Information about our team.
- Information about Dream Quill in general.
- etc...
Whispering Burrows
As of right now I have just been polishing the story. I know I have this main character that you play named Joshif. But I don't know how he will travel through the 4 different worlds in a linear progression so I will let you know.
Looking forward to the Story Play demo in December. Any chance we could get any more information on the general plot for Conquest of Dreams?
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