Dev Blog #8
Welcome back to the Dream Quill Interactive Blog!
- We are very sorry for no blog last week they should be more consistent in the coming months.
Story Play:
- The world of Story Play is coming along very nicely. We are constantly working on this project and have a very sad but important message:
- Deo also known as PublicizedFish12 Will no longer be working on Story Play specific things as a lead developer on the project this was very sad information to get. he will be continuing Whispering Burrows full time so please do look out for information on that.
Here is a music track let us know what you think.
- We have finished a very important aspect of our art now working with a professional character artist. We can get more work done faster coming closer and closer to our release date of Sometime in December.
- Our first background:
- Here is a little snip bit of The Conquest of Dreams Script:
BOSS: Now that we are done with questions, we can summarize. Main points were:
One, the company will hold an International Photography Contest.
Two, since it’s a digital contest, people from all over the world will be able to participate. Yes, Billy, it includes employees, so lower your hand.
Three, the prize will be (insert price) and being on the cover of the (insert name) Magazine, so don’t be shy of showing your talent.
If no one has anything else to add, we can call this a day, and enjoy your weekend.
Technical Explanation:
Originally Story Play was being made in the Godot Engine. Now we are switching to the Unity game engine because our new developer is more familiar with Unity.
- Currently we are working on a mockup for scene 1 and will be sending that out to you the community in very short time.
- We should be also refactoring the dialogue system built in one of the last devlogs to C#
Whispering Burrows:
We are very excited to give some information on this topic we hope all readers will also show there excitement in the reddit or the discord.
I've been working on art for a while now but sadly no imformation to show in this topic.
Music has also been coming along but not yet finished any tracks excited to show soon.
Gameplay Mechanics:
- Throught the game you are going to be looking for seceret scrolls wich will be read by the narrator. Also, you will be collecting and unlocking items depending on the different worlds you are in.
- The First world is a open world 3d adventure
- The Second world is a 2d Factory Manager
- The Third world is 2d sidescroller similar to games like celest or hollow knight
- The Fourth world is 2d Open World
- Worlds are the way the player travels throught the story line.
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